Pushing Through Perfectionism: How I Systematize Less Stress and More Peace | Free Self-Debrief Tool

Are you an overthinker? Do you find yourself ruminating over presentations, meetings, or significant events long after they’re over? You’re not alone! Many of us struggle with perfectionism (“I just need to fix this one last thing…”) and the constant cycle of rumination (“Why did I say that?”), which can hinder our performance and peace of mind.

That’s why I’m excited to share a new resource to help you break this cycle and bring more clarity and calm into your life: a free, downloadable Self-Debrief Tool with essential debrief questions.

Watch a real-time debrief

In my latest video, I share a bit of self-debriefing in real time and how to systematize this process and transform your workflow. Research shows that structured debriefing can significantly reduce rumination and boost cognitive function, helping you process your thoughts and emotions more effectively and quickly.

Why Self-Debriefing?

After every presentation, I take a moment to self-debrief and reflect. This practice helps me:

  • Identify Strengths and Areas for Improvement: By reflecting on what went well and what could be better, I can continuously grow and improve.

  • Reduce Self-Doubt: Structured debriefing helps me move past the need for perfection by focusing on progress and learning.

  • Enhance Mental Clarity: By offloading my brain, I can better organize my thoughts and emotions, leading to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being.

Get Your Free Template

To help you get started with your own self-debriefing practice, I’m sharing a free downloadable Google Form template. This tool is designed to help you systematically reflect on your experiences, reduce overthinking, and bring more peace and purpose to your performance.

How It Works:

  1. Download the Template: After you press the Download button, you’ll be prompted to click COPY to copy the template to your Google Drive.

  2. Customize to Fit Your Needs: Personalize the questions to align with your specific goals and experiences.

  3. Incorporate into Your Routine: Use the form regularly after presentations, meetings, or significant events to systematically debrief and reflect.


  • Enhanced Performance: Gain insights into your strengths and areas for growth.

  • Improved Mental Health: Reduce stress and anxiety by organizing your thoughts and emotions.

  • Greater Self-Awareness: Foster a deeper understanding of your habits and patterns.

⬇️ Download the template here:

Join the Community

You CAN conquer perfectionism and overthinking. Join the Cultivate Collective, a community of high achievers who are finding more peace and clarity in their performance.

Explore more free resources for the journey ⤵️


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